
Preventing Damage During Freezing Temperatures

During Freezing Temperatures: As soon as the temperatures drop, you should do these things:

  • Keep cabinet doors open leading to exposed pipes (such as access doors for sinks), so that household air can warm them.
  • If you have an attached garage, keep the doors shut. Occasionally, plumbing is routed through this unheated space, leaving it vulnerable to winter’s worst.
  • Turn on a faucet farthest from the place where your water enters the house. A very slow drip will keep water molecules moving, reducing the chance that pipes will freeze. Place a bucket underneath the faucet so the water can be saved for other household uses.
  • Keep your thermostat set above 65 degrees when leaving your house or business for several days.

Why Am I Having Issues With My Water?

If you have had an outage: Once water is restored: you may experience low water pressure, discoloration in your water, or air in the lines. You may need to run a faucet for a short time to clear this up.

If there are fires in your area due to the substantial loss of water in certain storage tanks and water lines it may appear cloudy or discolored for a period of time. Running a substantial amount of water through all outlets in the plumbing system should expel the discoloration within a period of time. 

When the TUD area experiences power outages within the district keep in mind that our tanks operate on electricity so residents may also experience water outages as well. We apologize for any inconvenience but rest assured the power company and water company will be doing the best they can to restore service as quickly as possible when this occurs.

Call Before You Dig/ Dig Safely

Tennessee State law requires anyone about to engage in either digging, excavation, moving of earth, demolition or any type of activity that could damage underground utility lines to notify the utility companies in that area of their intent to dig not less than three business days before the work is to begin. The Tennessee One Call system was created to provide advance notification service to member utility operators, such as TUD, throughout the state. You can reach TUD and other member utilities who provide electric, gas, water, waste water, phone, cable, etc. with one call to Tennessee One Call at 1-800-351-1111 or at 811. Tennessee One Call will gather information from you about your planned work and send it to member utilities in the area where you plan to dig. TUD and other utility members will then locate their facilities at the proposed excavation site with paint or flags so you can avoid them during your excavation. There is no charge to contact Tennessee One Call and no charge for TUD to locate its underground facilities.

Important: Always use extreme caution when you dig and avoid digging within the utility safety zone. The safety zone is a strip of land the width of the utility, plus two feet on either side. Customer-owned service lines are not mapped and therefore may not be marked. Customer-owned lines include sewer laterals, underground electrical service lines, water lines, lines for outside lighting, invisible fencing, irrigation systems, customer fuel lines, or any other customer-owned line.

To report damage to a TUD utility line, call 865-448-2230.

DIG SAFELY by calling Tennessee One Call at 1-800-351-1111 or 811 three business days before you plan to dig. Then, wait for the utilities to mark their lines. Respect the markings and dig with care. Tennessee One Call operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. 

Important reminder: State law requires three business days notice for locating lines.

  • State Minimum required water pressure at the water meter is 20 psi.


  • All Customers are required to install Pressure Reducer Valves


  • Individual Booster Pumps must have a “low suction” or “low pressure” cutoff to avoid damage when there are water outages. 


  • All Backflow Devices will be tested/inspected annually. ALL commercial accounts must have a backflow device installed and maintain their device.