
Meetings are open to the public and will be the 3rd Monday of every month at 12:00 PM located at Townsend City Hall, 123 Tiger Dr, Townsend TN.  If a member of the public wishes to speak at the meeting, he or she must sign up to speak before the meeting by registering on the sign-up sheet that will be available at the meeting.

The Tuckaleechee Utility District distributed purchased potable water for resale. As a public water supply, the district is regulated by the laws and regulations of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. For the most part customers are supplied water by gravity from storage reservoirs; however, there are cases where, due to terrain, water is provided by direct pumping. Regulations require system pressures to be maintained to at least 20 psi at the service meter. Therefore, it is incumbent on the District to regulate customer service to be in compliance.

Lawn irrigation is a legitimate use of District water. There are many uses of water by customers, beyond the service meter, which may constitute a public health hazard. A required state regulation is the control of cross connections. By definition a buried irrigation system is a cross connection. Cross connections are to be protected by back-flow devices. Therefore, all irrigation systems must comply with the District’s approved cross connection policy.

Within ninety days of the adoption of this policy all new irrigation systems shall have a separate service meter and an approved back-flow device consistent with the cross connection policy. The manager shall determine if the new installation has sufficient available flow and pressure to support the installation as provided by gravity from a storage reservoir. Cases where the installation is to be served from a non-gravity system shall require approval of the Board of Commissioners.

It is recognized that numerous irrigation systems have been installed with the District. These systems shall be in compliance with proper back-flow protections within 270 days from the adoption of the policy. For these existing cases a separate meter will not be required. The customer shall notify the District that a back-flow device has been properly installed and will be maintained in accordance with District policy.

Existing irrigation systems installed in non-gravity areas shall control their usage as not to adversely affect water pressure to others within the pressure zone. Due to climate change and other factors, public water supplies are required to have a drought policy. Irrigation restrictions will be consistent with the state approved drought policy of the District.

No current outages reported at this time.

If you have experienced a recent outage:

Once water is restored: you may experience low water pressure, discoloration in your water, or air in the lines. You may need to run a faucet for a short time to clear this up.

Don’t let leaks hit your wallet like a flood. Check out our ServLine Program.  It is our water loss and water line repair and replacement program.

Click the links below for more information on residential and commercial insurance information. The only way leak adjustments will be made through TUD is if you are enrolled in this program.

Residential Insurance Information

Commercial Insurance Information